What up fam!?!?!
Sounds like everything is goin awesome back home. I love hearing that all is well. Tell dad to buy me something from Japan. No just kidding. So in my new area, there is this guy that sells ties and suits, so of course, I´ve been buying quite a few ties. Some ugly ones just for fun, but some really awesome mexican ones too! I´ll be sending some home for everyone soon. Also, Friday we had "special changes", and I got a new companion, Elder Mendoza. We were in the same zone before so I already knew him a little bit. He´s awesome. He´s got 18 months in the mission so he knows a lot and it´s a great opportunity to learn. We had an awesome baptism on Sunday too. A guy who had to wait a while to get baptized, but finally was able to on Sunday. It was just amazing to see the joy on his and his wife´s faces. She was already a member and they´ve got like 4 kids. How lucky we are to be able to live together forever. So ya, everything is goin awesome here. The only thing is that I only had a week in this area when my comp had changes so sometimes we´re a bit lost = ). But it makes for some good experiences. So ya, that´s about all that´s goin on right now. I love you guys.