Monday, September 21, 2009

By Small and Simple Things are Great Things Brought to Pass

Hey Fam,
We had a great week this week. Sounds like things at home are going great too. On Tuesday was the Noche Mexicana in the church and that was fun. We had to leave early because those parties here dont finish until like 2 in the morning. But the food was great so like dad always says, we just had to eat and run. = ) And then we had a zone leaders meeting the mission home on thursday until friday so that was fun too. The week went super fast and it gets harder and harder to keep track of time. We had 3 baptisms on sunday that were awesome. It is ridiculous to see how much Satan will do to keep people from getting baptized. But afterwards, it makes the feeling of being clean just that much better. Sometimes I take for granted being able to baptize each week and forget how special it is. But the Lord is always reminding us of his power and that we need to recognize his hand in all things. And like mom and Rhey, I too am feeling a bit sick. We wash our clothes with family in the ward, but they´ve got a cat, and I am super allergic to it and now I´m not feeling that great. I´m sure it will pass quick though. Each week I am reminded even more of the importance of the members in the missionary work. Without them it would be impossible. Always remember that our example can sometimes be the most effective tool. When the people see us, and recognize the difference, it really makes them think and want to know more. The Lord always has his way of preparing his children to hear the Gospel, and we never know when we will be a part of that. There is no greater joy than knowing you´ve been an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I know that the Lord needed me here, and that he has a plan for each and every one of us. Our job is to be obedient, so that we can experience all the blessings he´s got prepared for us, but if we dont do our part, we´ll never know of the blessings we´re missing out on. I love you all and appreciate all you do for me. Love, Rees P.S. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass


Julianne said...

I love his letters! I especially like what he says about obedience in this letter. What a great kid- good job to you and Bart!

Ashley said...

Rees is the man!!