Monday, August 24, 2009

Count Your Blessings!!!

How´s everyone doin? Sounds like things are pretty exciting with football season starting. I actually miss that a lot. But there will be plenty of time for that later. I cant believe Favre is in Minnesota. And dad told me the Eagles picked up Vick! Another elder I know here is a huge Eagles fan too so I told him and he´s pretty stoked for that. We´ll see how that goes. So ya, things here are great. We had 3 baptisms yesterday and it was awesome. This awesome couple we found a while ago finally got baptized. I have been thinking nonstop this week about how blessed we are. The trials we go through are really nothing compared to the things other people go through. I think the Lord blessed us with living where we do because he knows we wouldnt be able to make it through such hard things. Sometimes it just overwhelms (?) me. So this is my comps last full week in the mission. Next friday he goes home. It´s pretty exciting but also hard to keep the balance between work and home. But things are going great. The zone is doing good and I´m just having a blast. Today in the morning we went and played soccer with some other elders in the zone. It´s nice to get some aggression out that builds up in the week. = ) So ya, that´s about it. Things are great. We´re the most blessed people in the world. The Lord will never leave us if we´re obedient and diligent. That´s something I have seen all through my mission. Count your blessing and keep me updated on everything. Love you guys so much and appreciate you more than you know. Tell everyone I say hi. Love, Rees


Brianne said...

I just love reading his letters!! They always remind me were my heart needs to truly be....w/ the Lord! Thanks Rees! Also thanks Cindy for always putting his letters up for all of us to read!

The Richardsons said...

What a great kid!! Love reading his letters.