Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter in Mexico

What up fam,
So I totally didnt even know it was easter last week. They have a tradition much different here in Mexico. On the Friday before Easter, all the Catholics have these huge parties at their churches and the crucify people! They say that it´s to take away their sins. Kinda crazy huh? They dont kill the people, but some of them actually nail the people to the cross, others just tie them on. But its still pretty nuts. Isn´t it so great to be part of this Church, and not be so decieved and lost your whole life??? Anyways, this week was good. We had 2 bapisms so that was awesome. But the coolest thing was yesterday, we took this family to church for the first time, a dad, mom, and 4 little girls. Anyways, it was testimony meeting, and I explained to the dad, Mario, what was going on and he says, "I want to share my testimony". So I asked what he would say and told him not to say any swear words and he went up there and told everyone how he was reading the bible but didnt understand it and asking God for a sign and then he saw us in the street and asked us to explain a verse in the bible to him, and how he knows the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is a prophet and it was just amazing. First Sunday at church and he shared the best testimony I´ve ever heard. It was so cool to see that and really strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon. It really is so simple, all people have to do is read it, and ask, and they will recieve an answer. Sometimes we´re so afraid to share the gospel or give someone a BofM, but just think of how happy Heavenly Father is when we do share it, he´ll never let anything bad or weird happen if we do our part. There is an awesome part in Preach My Gospel, an activity for the missionaries to do with the members. You guys should do it with the elders there. They teach you a lesson (the restoration) or a short movie about missionary work, and you guys write your feelings down, and after, each person writes 4 or 5 people that you think could hear the gospel, and then dad can say a prayer for the family that you can all feel of one of the people on the list that is READY to accept the gospel. Then the missionaries can put an appointment with you guys to visit those people. It is really effective and something that would be good for the family to do. So if you want, give it a shot with them the next time they eat with you guys. I hope you guys know how much I love and appreciate you. Thanks for being such awesome parents and always setting such a great example. Love you guys and love hearing from you on Mondays. Love, Rees

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